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New user linx questions

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 6:03 am
New to this so please be patient.

I have premier and plan to port two numbers, one for main # and one for fax. I understand I need to use a linx for the fax and make that a personal device. I believe a need to finish the ports first, then activate the linx and assign one number to it, correct?

Can I change the personal device on the linx at some later date? Use it for fax machine or a second phone and switch between the two? Or if set up for faxing does it always stay that way? I need the fax capability often enough but would like the option of just plugging a regular second phone in sometimes.

How does the forwarding feature work with this? If used with a phone, will calls be forwarded separately from the main line, on the same account with the main line, or not at all? In other words, if calls are forwarded from the linx will I know which number they came in on?

I'm sure this is fairly simple but daunting at the beginning!

Re: New user linx questions

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 9:23 am
by Tom
Once you create the private account you can associate any Ooma device you like with it, even more than one, e.g. two Linx or an HD2 and a Linx.

To setup forwarding for the private account you log into myooma using one of the numbers assigned to the private account and then visit

Currently calls are only logged if they reach the telo (or any of its associated devices). So if someone, say A, calls the private Linx number and forwarding is setup to ring both the Linx and say your cell, but the cell answers the call, then you'll see a missed call from A in the call logs (on your cell you will see a call from A).