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Confused about contacts (iPhone)

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 6:06 am
by dmarcus123
I am very confused about Ooma contacts of my iPhone! Trying to break this down into discrete questions.

1. In the Ooma app on the iPhone, which contacts are displayed? The iPhones contacts? My Ooma contacts? Or both.

2. When I create a new contact in the Ooma app, where is it added?

3. After I added a new contact in the Ooma app, what do I need to do so it is added to the Ooma contacts (for whitelist purposes--I only allow calls through that are in my contacts) and so it is added to my HD3 handsets?



Re: Confused about contacts (iPhone)

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:33 am
by dmarcus123
No one?