Ooma Home Security Nightmares

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Joined:Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:47 pm
Ooma Home Security Nightmares

Post by jbaugh » Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:56 am

I upgraded from an original Ooma Telo to the newest version of Ooma Telo to be able to use multiple devices in Home Security. The nightmare began immediately. Despite hours of working to get Ooma connected I was only able to get to the step where the logo continuously blinked red-blue, red-blue. The telephone component worked but Ooma's Home Security App showed that I was connecting to Home Security, please wait. Well 8 hrs later I was still waiting.
I contacted 3 different Ooma tech individuals who were friendly but clueless. Finally, I was able to connect to Home Security the following day. Tom, from Ooma, emailed me and said that my router was refusing SSL connections and he had to manually install the Home Security for me.

I was able to add the two water sensors I had purchased without difficulty. They appeared in the Home Security app. All seemed well for one day. The next day I found that both water sensors were offline. I received no warning or notification of this. Going back to Home Security app I once again got the interminable "connecting to Home Security" at the top of the app. Multiple contacts with Ooma tech support accomplished nothing. I reinstalled Home Security app several times. Rebooted Ooma innumerable times. Now when I open the HS app I get the screen shown herein.

My two sensors show up listed as "unknown". I can neither delete them or perform anything else on the app. Any action I attempt results in an error message, "Server error; not found".
I would appreciate any help you may provide. Ooma support is sorely lacking.
IMG_0132.jpg (73.93KiB)Viewed 38567 times

Ooma Moderator
Joined:Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:07 am

Re: Ooma Home Security Nightmares

Post by Tom » Mon Mar 15, 2021 1:40 pm

It turned out not be an issue with your network but a bug introduced in our provisioning server which has since been resolved. See my post here viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22021&p=149227&sid ... 50#p149199

But there was an issue with the maintenance where if you made any changes on MyOoma, or rebooted, the service could either go down or up. That has also been resolved.

Joined:Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:47 pm

Re: Ooma Home Security Nightmares

Post by jbaugh » Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:03 pm

If all of my issues have been resolved why is it that Ooma Home Security app still does not work for me. I still get the same Dashboard that I documented with my screen capture. My two water sensors remain in "Unknown" status. I am unable to make any changes on that page.For example, I cannot change from Home mode to another mode. I cannot add another sensor. I cannot delete the two "unknown" water sensors. I appreciate your attempts to help me. But I still am unable to utilize Ooma Home Security app or the sensors that I purchased.

Ooma Moderator
Joined:Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:07 am

Re: Ooma Home Security Nightmares

Post by Tom » Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:37 pm

Because in trying to diagnose the issue above your account accidentally got canceled which is why support recreated it. Our apologies for that.

Joined:Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:47 pm

Re: Ooma Home Security Nightmares

Post by jbaugh » Tue Mar 16, 2021 6:42 pm

No, my account was NOT accidentally deleted, it was intentionally deleted. My account was so hopelessly hosed that Ooma tech Gabriel suggested that the only way to fix the problem was to completely delete my account. He then set up a dummy account for me with a new Ooma number. Once that was authorized, we tested the Home Security component by adding a sensor. Once we confirmed that the account was working properly, he then ported over my old number to re-establish my account and maintain my long standing phone number. Of course all of my account data was lost. I had to repopulate my contacts, blocked numbers, etc.

Gabriel was exemplary. He worked with me over the course of 4 days to problem solve and then reach a solution.

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