OOMA Quality so much worse than ViaTalk

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Joined:Sun May 17, 2009 10:12 am
Re: OOMA Quality so much worse than ViaTalk

Post by ReedPhillips » Sun May 24, 2009 4:50 pm

I have worked with 4 VOIP services and one CISCO IP phone. I was very pleased with ViaTalk as long as it was dedicated to a Internet connection. I tried to set up QOS on my router but could never get the results I wanted.

I decided to give OOMA a try. It does solve the QOS issue, which allowed me to cancel one of my two Internet services. I had ViaTalk dedicated to a second Internet connection (Earthlink) since I was doing a lot of GoToMeeting sessions and Video Conferencing on the other service (RoadRunner). These applications will kill a VOIP connection. If I were CISCO certified with a QOS capable router, I could have made the ViaTalk work.

I would rate OOMA customer support superior to any of the other services.

I miss a lot of the ViaTalk features, but solving the QOS problem was worth the change for me.

The "hub", as they call it, is a full blown router which has implications for any complicated home networking situation. In fact all you need is a switch behind the "Hub" since it has a built-in firewall. Using another router behind the Hub only seems to complicate things.

I'm sure the Hub has more features than are exposed via the GUI. It would be nice to have access to all those features.

I hope they can continue to provide quality service long term. It is hard to provide quality personal support when you sell a product at this price point.

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