call recipient gets garbage

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Joined:Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:12 am
call recipient gets garbage

Post by sciencemagic » Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:21 am

I don't know how long this situation has been occurring but when I place a call, the recipient of that call keeps telling me I'm breaking up. I can hear the person I'm calling very well, but the recipient of my call can't hear me very well, or my words are skipping. Is there a place to look in my ooma settings that can show a problem? What can I do with my ooma setting? ooma advance settings? This issue has gotten to the point I can't use the ooma phone. Can someone please help? This was not a problem when I initially had ooma service. Became a problem after some time of use. Thank you.

Joined:Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:56 pm

Re: call recipient gets garbage

Post by Robek » Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:03 pm

Ooma offers a downloadable network testing tool, that checks the overall network speeds, latency, jitter, blocked ports, etc. But it does require installing software onto a local computer to run the tests; temporarily disconnect other devices from the modem or router while testing, (or at least make sure they're idle).

Otherwise, run an Internet Speed Test to check the ISP quality. In the Telo Tools submenu, check the Call Statistics for lost packets, excessive jitter, latency, etc. Jitter should be less than 5ms, but anything less than 20-30ms is usually tolerable. The Telo also offers a Port Scan utility to check for blocked ports.

If the HOME port connects to any devices, and the upstream speed is less than 10 Mbps, then set the Telo QoS as directed. If the router connects to the Telo INTERNET port, then check if it has its own QoS settings. If possible, test with different handsets, and if necessary, disconnect from any house-wiring while testing.

Joined:Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:12 am

Re: call recipient gets garbage

Post by sciencemagic » Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:13 pm

Hi Robek, thank you for your reply, it is appreciated. I ran the test you suggested. I am sending the results in a attachment. By the way I have no router, my ooma is connected straight from my modem. From my ooma device the Ethernet cable goes to my computer. So, no issues of connections before the ooma devise. Please let me know what you think of the downloadable testing tool results I sent. Thank you vrey much, Robek.
Screen Shot ooma test 09-25-23.PNG
Screen Shot ooma test 09-25-23.PNG (145.64KiB)Viewed 25600 times

Joined:Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:56 pm

Re: call recipient gets garbage

Post by Robek » Sat Sep 16, 2023 1:00 pm

If the modem has multiple ethernet ports or wifi, then it's an integrated modem/router. The Telo HOME port is limited to 100 Mbps, so users with a faster router may prefer connecting their computer directly to that instead. Either way, it shouldn't affect the VoIP quality, as long as the QoS is properly set.

The 'Upload capacity' of 0 Kbps on the right side of the screenshot seems suspect. In the lower-left corner of the 'Summary' view, click the Up arrow to scroll up, and look for the upload capacity on the left side instead. Or else click on the 'Results Analysis for: capacity test' in the upper-left corner of the 'Summary' view.

Joined:Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:12 am

Re: call recipient gets garbage

Post by sciencemagic » Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:09 am

Hi Robek, thank you for your reply, it is always appreciated. Took your advice " In the lower-left corner of the 'Summary' view, click the Up arrow to scroll up, and look for the upload capacity on the left side instead." I did so. I am sending screen shots of the results. There are 4 screen shots I am sending, Robek. Please view them all. They show initial tests and then using the left arrow and showing upload capacity on the left side of the screen. Please review, Robek. Trying to see where my problem is. Either ooma, my internet connection or my phone itself? Surely appreciate your help and understanding, Robek.
Screen Shot 09-17-23 at 11.13 AM 001.PNG
Screen Shot 09-17-23 at 11.13 AM 001.PNG (157.78KiB)Viewed 25563 times
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Joined:Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:12 am

Re: call recipient gets garbage

Post by sciencemagic » Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:17 am

Robek, 4th screen shot that couldn't be seen in last email. Thank you, Robek.
Screen Shot 09-17-23 at 11.13 AM.PNG
Screen Shot 09-17-23 at 11.13 AM.PNG (147.29KiB)Viewed 25561 times

Joined:Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:56 pm

Re: call recipient gets garbage

Post by Robek » Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:55 am

The bullet points (circles) in the summary view are color-coded: green for good, yellow for marginal, and red for bad. The three different screenshots show network problems in the upstream direction. The upload speed is inconsistent, with packet loss, variable latency (jitter/discards), and a low MOS, ("mean opinion score").

In the first screenshot, the upload capacity is good (21.7 Mbps) is good, but the upstream jitter is marginal, and there is some packet loss. In the second screenshot, the upload capacity is non-existent (0 kbps?). In the third screenshot, the upload capacity is ok for VoIP (516.0 kbps), but far short of the rated 22 Mbps.

Try disconnecting the Telo altogether, connect the computer directly to the modem/router, and run a few general internet speed tests (either from Ooma, speedtest, or search the internet for others). If they still show upstream network problems, then contact your ISP to follow up. Otherwise, contact Ooma support.

Joined:Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:12 am

Re: call recipient gets garbage

Post by sciencemagic » Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:19 pm

Hi Robek, thank you for your reply. I did some speed tests, Ookla, and got inconsistent speed tests. Some were normal some were extremely low download and upload speeds. Didn't seem to make much difference whether ooma was connected or went straight from computer to modem. I have no router, Robek. I guess I should contact my ISP, Astound. In your opinion, is there a possibility my phone is to blame? Obviously, wouldn't want to buy a new phone and that doesn't solve the problem. The problem is the phone call recipient gets my voice all broken up and garbled. But I can hear the person talking to me very clearly. Does that sound like the phone itself problem to you? Any opinion, Robek? Again, appreciate your help and replies. Thank you, Robek.

Joined:Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:56 pm

Re: call recipient gets garbage

Post by Robek » Tue Sep 19, 2023 12:45 pm

If the speed test with { computer <--> modem <--> ISP <--> Ookla } yields inconsistent results, then that could definitely affect VoIP quality. Problems in the upstream direction would affect what the remote party hears in a VoIP call, while problems in the downstream direction would affect what the local party hears.

It is also possible (but maybe not likely) that there happens to be a second, unrelated problem with the phone itself. Two ways to confirm that are to test the phone with a different, working landline, or to fix the network issue, and then test it with different phones.

Joined:Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:12 am

Re: call recipient gets garbage

Post by sciencemagic » Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:09 am

Hi Robek,

Thank you once again for your reply and help. I have the ISP tech coming out this morning, but I'm almost sure that tech is going to see nothing wrong with his equipment. I do have a signal, albeit inconsistent and week at times. But, I'm concerned when its checked, it will be OK. With the ooma test I have done numerous times that show a 0 upload speed at times, can that be a ooma equipment issue that is showing the low upload speed? Or, is that strictly my ISP issue? I suspect the tech is going to ask that. What is the chance that ooma would send me another ooma device to see if that is the problem? That would surely either eliminate or show if thats the issue. Appreciate your help, Robek. Thank you.

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