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Can you reject an incoming call?

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:03 pm
by lmacmil
Is there anyway to reject an incoming call and send it directly to voicemail like you can with a cellphone? I have the Ooma HD3 handset. I'm not talking about blocking specific numbers. The spammers change numbers so often I dropped Premier because it wasn't blocking half the incoming robocalls. I didn't notice much difference with our without Premier.

Re: Can you reject an incoming call?

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:56 am
by Robek
Ooma Premier users can send calls directly to voicemail, either by pressing the FF/Envelope button on their base station, or by selecting "Send to VM" from the "Options" menu on their HD2/HD3 handset. Non-Premier users can only let the incoming call ring until the Pickup timeout in their Voicemail Preferences expires.

Blocking specific numbers is not that useful when spammers change numbers often, but Ooma also offers more expressive custom call blocking features, such as blocking by name, or blocking by partial number or name (using "Starts with...", "Ends with...", or "Contains..."). Ooma offers Contacts only calling, too.