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Ooma stopped working

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 1:59 pm
by BruceV
but by the morning it seemed to have fixed itself. Do I need to be worried long term?

Last night I walked by the telecom unit and realized it was red. Tried powering it off and it would come back as a solid red, then after a couple of minutes it would go to a flashing red and then shut-off. A few minutes later it would turn on again as a solid red and repeat. I disconnected and reconnected everything with no change. No dial tone, nothing during this time. My router was working as I still had Wifi to other users but I still tried power cycling my modem with no change. I figured the base unit may have croaked and was going to call Ooma tech support this morning.

This morning, the unit shows a blue light, I have a dial tone and everything seems to be fine. However, the whole thing has me worried. The only thing is that we may have had a short power blip at some point as my sound system was off but it was a very short blip as typically my microwave clock will show nothing after a blip but it was still working.