Telo takes hours to reconnect?

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Telo takes hours to reconnect?

Post by domm » Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:32 am

If my internet goes down (happening all to often lately) & my telo gets disconnected, it takes hours to reconnect. The red flower will flash as if it is trying to reconnect but as I said above this will take hours before the telo finally reconnects. Does anyone else have this issue & if yes did you find a way to help the telo reconnect faster? Thanks

Joined:Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:16 pm

Re: Telo takes hours to reconnect?

Post by motox22a » Thu Mar 24, 2022 2:20 pm

It sounds as if you have real problems with your ISP connection that is causing the issues...
If you are getting frequent disconnects that is not normal...Once that is fixed your OOMA
problems should "most likely" disappear...It could be noise (or something else) on your ISP connection
that is the problem.

Joined:Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:38 am

Re: Telo takes hours to reconnect?

Post by domm » Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:22 am

My isp is Comcast. I think Comcast is doing some work in my area & for the last week or so we are getting intermittent loss of service but the loss is usually just for minutes before the service comes back. Of course when the service goes down the red flower starts blinking but once the internet service comes back it takes hours before the telo will reconnect. I have checked my speeds once the internet service comes back & it is always in the 200MB range & I can stream video with no issues, yet the telo continues to blink red for hours. I have tried all the unplug & reboot stuff for both the modem/router & telo but none of that works.

Joined:Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:16 pm

Re: Telo takes hours to reconnect?

Post by motox22a » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:33 pm

I would contact Comcast and see if they can advise/assist with what the problem may be...Ooma can't do anything to overcome a bad ISP connection. I know as I had a WISP connection that caused problems on VOIP. Now I have Starlink and my VOIP connection on Ooma is good.

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Re: Telo takes hours to reconnect?

Post by andyross » Sat Mar 26, 2022 6:45 am

Once you know your service is back up, have you tried rebooting the Ooma? Just pull the power for a few seconds. I do know it can take 5+ minutes to boot up and be operational.

Joined:Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:38 am

Re: Telo takes hours to reconnect?

Post by domm » Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:35 am

Yes andyross I have tried all the reboot suggestions with no luck.
Once the internet reconnects motox22a I do a speedtest & the results are always around 200mb which I would have thought was plenty?

Joined:Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:16 pm

Re: Telo takes hours to reconnect?

Post by motox22a » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:36 am

The bandwidth requirements for OOMA VOIP are actually quite low (You have many many times more than is required).
But it may be a problem with line noise or it may be a problem with a blocked port...This is why I say you need to get in touch with Comcast Tech Support and tell them what is going on with your situation of OOMA taking a very long time to reconnect. Unless you have some sort of issue with your OOMA device then the problem most suredly is ISP. Just because you can stream without issue does not mean that your VOIP will be successful. It could be a number of things that is causing the issue and the first place to start attempting to fix the situation is with your ISP (Once you've verfied that your OOMA Device is not malfunctioning). You can ask OOMA tech support to check your device remotely but most likely they'll just restart your device (Which you've already done). If it was previously working OK and then all of a sudden is taking a long time to connect (And you said they were doing work on your ISP connection) it's "probably" the ISP connection that may be causing the problem. There's lots of variables that can come in to play. You'll just have to check one at a time.

Joined:Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:38 am

Re: Telo takes hours to reconnect?

Post by domm » Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:57 am

Thanks for your time motox22a. First let me say I know almost zero about tech. You mentioned a blocked port. If a port is blocked would it not stay blocked & if it stays blocked I am assuming my telo would never connect which it does by itself after multiple hours so I also assume I can eliminate a blocked port as the problem? Thx

Joined:Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:16 pm

Re: Telo takes hours to reconnect?

Post by motox22a » Sun Mar 27, 2022 9:24 am

For not being a technical person that's very good reasoning. YES a blocked port most likely
would stop it from connecting entirely but since we're not privy to the networking internals
of both Comcast and Ooma we cannot be certain. Also if you don't control your modem/router (i.e. Comcast controls it) and they made recent changes for the networking your router may be in need of a settings change...There's many things it could be. First ask Ooma to check your Ooma device (Tell them what is going on). If they can do that and confirm it's OK then contact Comcast and tell them what is going on and and that you had Ooma verify your device was OK and ask Comcast that they check your connection. It may be as simple as a setting change.

Joined:Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:38 am

Re: Telo takes hours to reconnect?

Post by domm » Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:53 pm

Again thanks for your time. I will give your suggestions a try.

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