ooma telo panel getting sticky
I have ooma revision number A00. Mine slowly got tacky overtime and then extremely sticky. I only wiped with a dry cloth and it was not in sunlight, ever.
To take the tacky layer off, I used acetone and a paper towel making sure the paper towel was soaked and turning it after rubbing and the paper towel became black. Took about 5 minutes. Be sure to use gloves to keep the acetone from your skin and in a well-ventilated area. No more sticky. I also had to do the same thing with a Microsoft mouse. These rubberized layers do not hold up over time. Planned Obsolescence is the term used when a company makes a product that will not be usable after a certain length of time, therefore causing you to purchase another.
To take the tacky layer off, I used acetone and a paper towel making sure the paper towel was soaked and turning it after rubbing and the paper towel became black. Took about 5 minutes. Be sure to use gloves to keep the acetone from your skin and in a well-ventilated area. No more sticky. I also had to do the same thing with a Microsoft mouse. These rubberized layers do not hold up over time. Planned Obsolescence is the term used when a company makes a product that will not be usable after a certain length of time, therefore causing you to purchase another.
Re: ooma telo panel getting sticky
I tried a lot of things and the fastest and easiest way to resolve the issue and mentioned by others was to use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser sponge. A box cost less than $1.50. Get the plain sponges, not the ones with soap in them. Get a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Again a low cost item. Dampen the sponge with the alcohol and wipe the face of the Telo. The sponge will turn black as it picks up the gunk on the screen. Keep moistening the sponge using a clean area of the sponge. In about 3 minutes or so the sponge will completely pick up the dissolved goo from the top of the screen. Mine is now clean and completely smooth again. No sign of the sticky. Any other type of cloth or towels just push the goo around or disintegrate on the surface of the Telo. It's very easy to clean, and like others said unplug the Telo while doing this. I'm dealing with a cable outage this morning due to storms so I thought I would tackle this while service is down.
Re: ooma telo panel getting sticky
Old Post, but just lightly dusted mine with damp cloth (water only), and it's REAL sticky. Like you wiped a rag across wet shellac. Now it's sticky and ugly (glossy streaks). Can I get a new cover? Telo 110-0110-253 on bottom.
Re: ooma telo panel getting sticky
The Mr. Clean magic eraser and rubbing alcohol works wonders. needs a little elbow grease but really cleans all the sticky gunk out. thank you all for sharing.
Re: ooma telo panel getting sticky
I'm glad I googled this and found this thread. I thought maybe mine was defective or something. I'll have to try that magic eraser dipped in alcohol tip. Does it damage the surface at all?
Re: ooma telo panel getting sticky
I finally found a solution for the sticky Telo problem that I have had for years. First clean the Telo with something like Windex. I used a product called all in one cleaner. Allow it to dry. Apply a product named "Mothers Back to Black." I found it on Amazon for about $10.00 Just follow directions on package, and the sticky is gone. This bugged me for years, and now it is gone. I do not know how long it will last, but there is enough in the package to do it again hundreds
of times.
of times.
Re: ooma telo panel getting sticky
Thank you for your post - using baking soda did the trick- After three years of trying god knows what, it now looks like new.Your baking soda suggestion really worked. Many Thanks
Re: ooma telo panel getting sticky
I used an old window tint remover trick. Made a solution of 50/50 water and ammonia, sprayed it on a cloth and kept wiping until all the sticky came off. Now my Ooma (1st gen) is sticky free and smooth plastic!
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- Joined:Fri May 15, 2020 2:43 am
Re: ooma telo panel getting sticky
Those of your who did the Magic Eraser/alcohol thing a while back...how has the cleaning held up? Has it gone back to being sticky yet?
- Posts:1
- Joined:Sat Jul 11, 2020 9:48 am
Re: ooma telo panel getting sticky
After trying several different ways to remove the sticky dust accumulated on my Ooma Telo, I finally found a solution: Dampen a microfiber cloth with rubbing alcohol and, in a circular motion, lightly rub surface. Depending on how bad it is, this will eventually leave you with a clean, smooth surface.