Blue light it out
Today I noticed the blue symbol on the Ooma was out. Not sure how long it has been out. I unplugged it. It took about 3 minutes for the flashing red to go away and another minute for the HD3 to be back online (less than 5 minutes to reboot) but the blue light is still out. Does that mean the LED has failed or is something else amiss?
Re: Blue light it out
In low light, I can see that the blue symbol is still lit but but at a much lower brightness than in the past. It's so dim I can really tell it's lit unless I'm looking directly at it from above.
Re: Blue light it out
Apparently the forward and reverse buttons on the telo control the LED brightness. I discovered this with a Google search that found a post on this forum. I don't think I touched the buttons buy my better half might have!