More number porting and customer support problems at ooma

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Joined:Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:00 pm
More number porting and customer support problems at ooma

Post by BobT » Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:32 pm

I have been an ooma customer for two months, and I am very impressed with ooma's core VOIP technology. Ooma is doing lots of things right in the hardware and software sphere. I even paid the $99.99 extra to get the services of the ooma Premier feature set, and to help the company (I thought) stay in business.

However, if my own experience with their customer service team for the porting of my phone number from AT&T to ooma is indicative of how they are able to support their customers, I wonder whether ooma is going to survive.

Ooma contacted AT&T last week and had my home number transferred to ooma’s control. Beginning Friday morning (2/20), anyone dialing my original home number got a message "The number or code you have dialed is incorrect". Great!: I figured that I was only an hour or two away from having my old number ported and brought up live with ooma. By Friday afternoon this had not happened, so I called ooma customer support (30 minute wait). I was told by a nice ooma customer service agent that "ooma engineers were testing the quality of the line for my port" (??) and the work would be finished by 5 pm PST. More than two days later: ooma still has not activated my “ported” number into their system. Friends and family are emailing me "Why has your home phone gone dead?". Want to waste a bunch of time on your weekend? Just call ooma phone support to ask about the foul up with the porting. I’ve done this several this weekend, and each time I have been dropped into ooma’s dead end “extension 215” mailbox after a half-hour on hold. :--(

I am a manager for technology services for a university with over 20,000 users. I know first-hand that customer support is not easy, and you never, ever reach perfection. But I think I would be out of a job if my department offered the quality of user support that ooma, right now at least, is serving up to its paying customers. (Premier level, at that.)

Joined:Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:14 pm

Re: More number porting and customer support problems at ooma

Post by trim81 » Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:25 am

that is seriously fu*Cked up.

I would seriously raise hell if they lose my number.

Please keep us posted on what happens.

**PS- I HAVE successfully ported 2 Ooma numbers 4-6 months ago when Ooma was not as hot and blown up as it is today, it did go well.

I am currently in the process of porting 1 more number over, and its been 1 week now, with no emails of any receipt of my LOA form...this sucks

Joined:Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:00 pm

Re: More number porting and customer support problems at ooma

Post by BobT » Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:33 am

Well, there's good news on my number porting front.

I got three emails from ooma during Monday afternoon that my number had been successfully ported. (Whew! I was seriously worried that my 20-year home phone number had been tossed into the bit bucket.) I'm on the road for business this week..but I called home and everything is copacetic with the new port.

I hope the three-day number port process was just an atypical bump in the road with ooma, and that I (and others) can go back to being contented customers. Keeping my fingers crossed! :--)

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