Ooma VOIP latency as bad as a cell phone?

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Joined:Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:34 pm
Ooma VOIP latency as bad as a cell phone?

Post by sgolux » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:42 pm


I have a blazing internet conneciton, 75Mbs down, 10Mbs up, 5-6 ms ping and 1ms jitter. Should be crystal clear for VOIP.

I have both Ooma and another VOIP system connected to me LAN. The other is OnSip Polycom. When I call a landline with OnSip Polycom system (which is really a business line) you can't tell a difference between the connection and a land-line to land-line connection. THere is essentially no measureable lag or latency on the line.

Not so with Ooma though. WHen I make a call with Ooma to a landline, or receive a call on Ooma from a landline, I experience a lag, or latency, of approximately 150 to 200 ms. This is very annoying. This is similar to the lag one would experience on a not-very-good cell phone connection. This is not just sometimes, but ALWAYS.

I am quite sure this is not because of any problem with my internet connection. I am sure of that because my other VOIP system does not exhibit this problem.

I did a test where I removed my other VOIP system from the LAN just to make sure they two were not interfering with each other. Ooma did not get any better.

I have to assume that this problem arises from internal switching or communication at Ooma.

Is there a solution? Because if it really always has just as much lag as a cell phone, what is the point?

Thanks in advance for any insights.

Joined:Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:49 pm

Re: Ooma VOIP latency as bad as a cell phone?

Post by murphy » Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:22 pm

Where are you located? Originally the only Ooma servers were on the west coast. A call between two locations on the east coast meant every data packet had to make two trips across the country. That is not instantaneous. About a year ago servers were installed on the east coast. They are moving people on the east coast to the east coast servers but it takes time to do it. If you are on the east coast post in one of the several threads where people are asking to be moved to the east coast server.
Customer since January 2009
Telo with 2 Handsets, a Linx, and a Safety Phone
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Joined:Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:34 pm

Re: Ooma VOIP latency as bad as a cell phone?

Post by sgolux » Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:26 pm

Great insight, and thanks, but I am on the West Coast already. Near San Francisco.

My assumption though is that this can't be about the travel time for the packets. For a mere 3000, or even 6000 mile journey, you can really only rack up 20+- ms to travel. I think the problem is a relay problem.

Joined:Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:49 pm

Re: Ooma VOIP latency as bad as a cell phone?

Post by murphy » Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:28 pm

6000 miles at 1.5 nanoseconds per foot is 50 ms. Packets don't travel in a straight line. They bounce from router to router so there is a receive and transmit delay in each router. Your calls to west coast numbers should be good. Calls to the east coast have the 6000 mile problem.

Test you internet using the html5 version of this test. All of the icons should be green. I had to replace a modem that was dropping 17% of the upstream packets.

Customer since January 2009
Telo with 2 Handsets, a Linx, and a Safety Phone
Telo2 with 2 Handsets and a Linx

Joined:Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:34 pm

Re: Ooma VOIP latency as bad as a cell phone?

Post by sgolux » Sat Jun 09, 2018 1:14 am

Great tool, thanks. But not catching the latency problem, which doesn't surprise me because one VOIP package on my LAN performs great, and Ooma is kind of a dog.

I've attached the screenshot with the results of my test:
VOIP connection test result screenshot
Capture.JPG (55.08KiB)Viewed 5047 times

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