OH NO!!! I can not purchase ANYTHING from your on-line store

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Joined:Tue Feb 27, 2018 6:18 am
OH NO!!! I can not purchase ANYTHING from your on-line store

Post by Daurora » Sat Dec 01, 2018 6:42 am

So, I wanted to buy five Ooma cameras and loads of security items; since there is a big sale going on righ now; from the on-line store at my.ooma.com. Only to be stopped by some programmer's mistake at Ooma with how Canadian Postal Codes are processed, in relation to their credit card. I verified this with my credit card company and was told to do some sort of work around using the three digits of my Canadian postal code and adding two zeros at the end, within the credit card entry fields. Of course this did not work, so the transaction did not go through. It got me to thinking, somewhere within Ooma, a product manager is sitting at her desk thinking...why don't we have sales in Canada....hmmm - Maybe this is why. Lastly, the people at Ooma support are very nice, however this type of problem is beyond their provided scripts and they can not help.
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